Ethiopia Geta Bore SWP Decaf

Basic stats:

Coffee origin: Ethiopia

Last Roasted on: 2023-08-05 15:11

Ethiopia Geta Bore SWP Decaf:

Importer's Description:

While the dry grounds don't necessarily read "Ethiopia", they have a very attractive sweetness that's refined for decaf, lightly fruited, with a note of cinnamon stick in the lighter roasts. The wet aroma is where I typically get the 'bready' decaf notes, which is still the case here. But they're accompanied by a fragrant sweetness too, rich with dark brown sugars, and hints of fruit crumble, and oatmeal cookie. The brewed coffee has juicy mouthfeel that accentuates otherwise subtle hints of red fruit, dried apricot, and Dr Pepper soda. The profile has ample dark sugar sweetness up front that leads leads up to a nice sweet finish too. 'Decaf' flavor aspects are pretty subtle, and I don't think most folks would peg it as such if they didn't already know. I find the most origin character at the lighter end of the roast range, but also am really enjoying the more bittersweet, and somewhat herbal, cup flavors in my darker Full City roast too.

Roasts made with this bean (0.9kg):

  • 431: 447.0g on Sun 07/16/23
  • 435: 447.0g on Sat 08/05/23
